A common question asked within our society, and even within our own communication class, is why do we study communication and why do we do communication research? In my personal opinion, this is a much harder question to answer then the question of why do we do scientific research. It seems obvious that we do scientific research to find cures for illnesses, help animals in the environment, and discover many things about the human body; therefore, the question of why we do scientific research seemed easier. Well, it WAS a much easier question to answer until I started my basic studies in communication.
Through our ongoing discussion over this question, we have come up with various answers. Often we study communication because it is the most prevalent thing in a person's life. It is common for people to use communication daily and unknowingly. Since communication plays a significant role in our society, it becomes important for us to study what people do and why they do it. By conducting communication studies and creating methods/theories, it is possible to gain some power over future interactions among people. The theories created help people be more strategically successful in future interactions and confrontations. If one can study and understand how certain variables affect a person's mood and actions, then it will become easier to avoid or invoke those emotions in the future.
For example, I have encountered many situations and conversations I wish I would not have had to endure. If I could have known how to react to the situation or avoid it, I would have been much happier. Similar to the example in class, if there were a theory about the communication between mother and daughter, I would probably avoid conflict more often. If i were able to study the variables that usually make my mother angry, I may be able to avoid asking for things and or telling her things when she is in a bad mood. For example, one time I got yelled at because I had a soccer game and my warm up pants were not dry and were still in the dryer. I, thinking it was not my fault they were not dried, yelled at my mom. Well, in return I got yelled at because I did not think to put them in earlier. On the way to the soccer game, I decided to hang them out the window to dry and latch the window down on them; however, that did not work because the window completely shattered because of the thickness of the pants. Returning home with my dad to switch cars, I was graced with my mother's yelling.
If I take a step back and examine all the things going on that day in my mother's mind and the many variables she was dealing with, I could have simply listened and gotten along with her. Since I was not unaware of looking at everything she had to deal with, I created a worse case scenario. Next time I do not agree with my mom, I will be able to look at the variables around us and how they are affecting her, and then decide if I want to argue with her.
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