Within communications, norms are used in everyday society to limit and direct behavior (Tubbs and Moss). A norm can be defined as any such rule or expectation about how people will or should act. Once such questions that arises is why should we follow these norms? The reason in which many people follow norms is because it helps make the behavior of others more predictable, which makes communication easier.
According to changingminds.org, norms are "the rules a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors." Norms exist for interactions between strangers, students and teachers, family, friendships, and intimate relationships. Following norms within a specific relationship helps one understand the other person more easily.
Within this idea of norms, there are specific types. First off, there are explicit norms, which are spoken and written openly. Second, there are implicit norms, which develop while a relationship develops. A common example of an explicit norm is the common handshake. When meeting a new person in a formal and/or informal setting, it is common for the two strangers to shake hands. In contrast, an example of an implicit norm is something one may develop with a significant other regarding their actions. This type of decision will come about gradually as their relationship progresses and they start to learn more about each other.
One example of a norm, which has been recently seen in our society, is that of Valentine's Day. In this situation, it is the social norm that the guy will buy his girlfriend flowers or candy, and pay for dinner. However, does it have to be this way? Most people think it does. But, it doesn't. Within a relationship between two people, it is up to them to determine their own norms and how their Valentine's Day tradition/norm will be carried out.
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