Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cultural Artifact Four.

In today's society, there are many ads and websites helping those who are single find their sole mates. Often times those who use these types of websites are looking for an intimate relationship. But, what is an intimate relationship? Is it possible that people may be looking for something other than a sexual relationship? Is it possible to have an intimate relationship with a best friend? A family member? The answer to these questions is yes; it is quite possible to have an intimate relationship with a best friend or a family member. 

Intimate: to make known especially publicly or formally. (Merriam-Webster)

Intimate: to communicate delicately or indirectly. (Merriam-Webster)

Intimate: associated in close personal relations (dictionary.com)

Intimate: characterized by or involving warm friendship or a personally close or familiar association or feeling. (dictionary.com)

Intimate: very private; closely personal (dictionary.com)

All of these definitions explain how an intimate relationship does not need to be between significant others or spouses or boyfriends and girlfriends. It is quite possible to have an intimate relationship with a family member, such as a brother or sister. In fact, I do have a intimate relationship with my brother. My brother and I's relationship is one of closeness, trust, and bondage. We believe we can share anything with each other and trust one another to respect each other and the secret being told. 
Websites, such as match.com, help people search for an intimate relationship. After registering on match.com, the only question to be asked is what type of "intimate" relationship are you looking for? 

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